Jun 30, 2022
Satsang Readings and Commentary Based on, Prem Patra Radhasoami, The Spiritual Love Discourses of the Lord of the Soul, Volumes One and Two, by Huzur Maharaj Rai Saligram Bahadhur, great teacher, prolific writer and one of the founding Satgurus of Sant Mat in recent centuries.
"A heart devoid of Love or Affection is...
Jun 28, 2022
Jun 23, 2022
"Contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints." (from the Book of Jude) The Septuagint Greek translation of the Jewish scriptures, made for the Library of Alexandria, was literally "The Bible" of early Christianity, and it included several additional texts (Apocrypha) not found in other Bibles. A...
Jun 21, 2022
During this short podcast you'll catch a glimpse of a rare form of Christianity, somewhat estranged from the Western world perhaps, but very much part of Christianity further to the East since the earliest of days: a rich contemplative tradition of prayer, meditation, and living a spiritual way of life "practicing the...
Jun 16, 2022
Today on this Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast, three charming parables about beings with limited perceptions of the dimensions of space-time and yet are attempting to comprehend a vastly more complicated multidimensional cosmos: A Man Trapped in a Well Arguing with the Person Above Holding the Rope, Guru Nanak's,...