Nov 28, 2020
Spiritual Awakening Radio Listener Resources, a Collection of Links for my Libsyn Blog Page.
Sant Mat Radhasoami Books , The Free E Library:
Main Page , Contents (Sant Mat, Radhasoami,
Gnosticism, Christian Mysticism, Veganism, etc...):
Nov 24, 2020
Today we consult with not only Matthew 3:4 and Mark 1:6 with their references to "locusts and honey", but also explore the world of early Christian writings as well as scholarly texts. Some who know Greek and are affiliated with Eastern Orthodox Christianity believe that the mention of "locusts" in the New Testament...
Nov 11, 2020
In this labyrinth of existence we can become quite habituated into remaining as surface-dwellers living inundated by all the outward distractions that life on earth provides. We may ask of ourselves, “Am I availing myself of the spiritual direction and wisdom that comes from within?”
Over the centuries contemplative...