Jul 30, 2020
The Goal of Sant Mat Spirituality and Meditation: Our Path Back to the Source -- The Inward Journey Back to GOD, by Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj, Today on the Sant Mat Satsang Podcast, a Production of Spiritual Awakening Radio with James Bean
Jul 23, 2020
Today we explore the various stages of Sant Mat meditation practice according to Beloved Sant Satguru Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj, describing the transition from separation from God in the material outer world of the five senses to the world of Within "Sitting Near God" (Upasana), the ascension of the soul...
Jul 16, 2020
The Gospel of Thomas as a Kind of 'Second Coming' of Christ -- Some New Observations About the Gospel of Thomas Today On Spiritual Awakening Radio With James Bean
Fascinating examples of mysterious non-canonical orphan or stray sayings attributed to Jesus in the writings of early Christianity in Syria, Rome, and Egypt...
Jul 9, 2020
Often Westerners lack clarity about the teachings of the Masters. The goal of this spiritual awakening satsang project always is to bring greater access to the teachings and better understanding about traditional, rural, no-nonsense Sant Mat spirituality AS IT IS. Today, a presentation exploring a lesser-known living,...
Jul 2, 2020
Today on this Sant Mat Satsang Podcast edition of Spiritual Awakening Radio we explore a spiritual discourse of Baba Somanath on successfully reaching our spiritual goals, not being talked out of our hopes and ideals, not giving up on our meditation practice, but rather, finding our life purpose following the spiritual...