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Spiritual Awakening Radio explores the world of spirituality, comparative religion, world scriptures and other books, East and West: Gnostic Gospels, Lost Books of the Bible, God, meditation, out-of-body or near-death experiences (OOBE's & NDE's, Inner Light and Sound, Inner Space,), the Path of the Masters (weekly Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts on Sant Mat Spirituality and Meditation, Radhasoami, Surat Shabd Yoga,), the vegan diet and other ahimsa ethics -- education for a more peaceful planet.

Apr 4, 2023

Satsang is a term that means association ('sang') with the Eternal Timeless Truth or God ('Sat'). Satsang means "association with Eternal Truth" as well as "association with God," and is to some extent comparable to "church" or "temple," but not in any institutional sense. A saying of Jesus in the New Testament provides a good definition of a Satsang meetup: "Where two or three are gathered in My Name, I Am there in their midst."


The format of Satsang can include: someone giving a spiritual discourse, instruction on putting the Path into practice, a video or audio of a Master (Sant Satguru) giving a talk, readings from the writings of the Masters, the reciting or singing of banis, bhajans or kirtans (hymns of worship composed by Sants), and silent group meditation. It's considered the greatest of blessings if it is a Master who conducts the Satsang in person (or in this age of live streaming, via the web).


The effect of Satsang is that of DIVINE REMEMBRANCE, thus, with such a spiritual boost, encouragement and support for the spiritual journey, those who go to Satsang are much more likely to stay-on-the-Path and put effort into their own daily spiritual practice at home. Thus will the life of the Bhakta (lover, devotee, disciple) become more and more God-intoxicated by imbibing the spiritual wine, the nectar of divine love.


Also Covered During This Satsang Podcast: People's Attention Drowning in a New Age Soup: In an Age of Junk-Food Spirituality and Endless Internet Memes, What Satsang is NOT -- Satsang is intended to be an oasis, a refuge from the agitations of the mind, maya/illusion, the labyrinth of the world (and astral plane);


Instructions for Holding Satsang, The Purpose of Satsang, Satsang Apart from Rituals, Subject and Scope of Satsang, Love and Service the Basis of Satsang, according to Sant Kirpal Singh;


Extracts from Letters of Huzur Baba Sawan Singh About Satsang ("The Less Organization, the Better");


Authentic Traditional Satsang Templates True to the Path: "For the subject of a talk, we may take up the hymns from any scripture, preferably from the Masters of the Sound Current. It may be supplemented by apt quotations from the parallel writings of other Master Saints. The Holy Gospels themselves are full of such material as may fit in with such a context. The illustrations from various Masters are essential so as to bring out the essential unity in the teachings of all the Saints." (Kirpal Singh, Instructions For Holding Satsang)


The Three Levels of Sat-Sang: The First Level of Satsang (Association with God), The Second Level of Satsang (Association with the Saints), The Third Level of Satsang (Association with the Writings of Sages and Saints), by Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj;


In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts

Sant Mat Radhasoami